The Smoky Consequences of Wildfires:
Air pollution is nothing to cough at, claiming more lives each year than car accidents, war or drugs. Among the culprits, there's a new kid on the block – wildfire smoke. Wildfires, which have been growing more intense and frequent due to climate change, are coughing up smoke that's chock-full of hazardous air pollutants. These include particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and lead. How severe is it, you ask? Try a whopping 675,000 premature deaths every year globally, along with a host of respiratory, heart, and other diseases.
Progress Hindered by Plumes:
As we make strides towards cleaning up pollution from motor vehicles and industrial smokestacks, wildfire smoke poses a new challenge. There's evidence to suggest that wildfires are revving up under the influence of climate change, threatening to overshadow the progress gained in the pollution department. Beyond endangering our homes, wildfires are also posing serious threats to our health.
Up in Smoke: LA's Pollution Problem:
With wildfires currently ravaging Los Angeles, health concerns are coming into sharper focus. As residents return to survey the destruction, the smoke-infused air still poses a threat. Particularly, northwest coastal Los Angeles is seeing air pollution flying high at “dangerous” levels. Experts believe this spike could potentially push the daily mortality risk up by 5 to 15 percent. Amid the ashes and smoky skies, it's clear that wildfires are an emergent problem for both the environment and public health.
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